Feeling overwhelmed and anxious?

Let go of fear and unlock your potential with Strategic Hypnotherapy


Are you ready to say goodbye to the patterns that keep you stuck?

Strategic Psychotherapy is a proactive, results-driven therapy that focuses on ‘how’ you do your problems rather than ‘why.’ When combined with Clinical Hypnotherapy it is a powerful therapeutic tool for achieving fast and effective results.  

You won't need to continually repeat your story, or dig up past trauma, instead, we’ll focus on what’s happening now, and how we get you, to where you want to be.

By understanding how you contribute to your problem, together, we’ll co-create alternate processes to reach your desired outcome.

Hi there, I'm Sam. 

I'm here to help you take back control of your life.

Imagine finally being able to confidently step into your life without doubt or fear: A life where you are confident in your abilities and your worth.

Strategic Hypnotherapy, is a solution-focused therapy that can quickly and effectively, support you in reprogramming your thoughts to work for you, instead of against you.

Through a combination of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy, you’ll move through areas that keep you stuck, and learn the necessary skills to make more discerning choices.

Our personalised sessions will help you understand your challenges, overcome limiting beliefs and develop new patterns of thinking to achieve your treatment goals.

It's time to transform your life and create long-lasting change.

What is hypnotherapy exactly?

Hypnotherapy is often described as a state of heightened awareness where you become relaxed & more open to positive suggestions. Contrary to popular belief, it is not mind control, Strategic Hypnotherapy is one of the most advanced and effective forms of modern therapeutic interventions in Australia today.

Our focus in your Strategic Hypnotherapy sessions is to create change and achieve results. It’s quick, it’s effective and it works long-term. We won’t spend weeks seeking why the problem persists, because that’s not where the solution is. Instead, we‘ll focus on the cognitive patterns that create the problem in the first place.

You can change the way you think and act once you are aware of the cognitive processing that creates and maintains your problems. We can then alter these at the point where things go wrong. The aim is to create more helpful processes that shift problem behaviour right where it starts.

Hypnotherapy for healing physical and emotional issues

With the guidance of a professional hypnotherapist, you can enter a trance-like state where you are deeply relaxed and focused. You are an active participant in your treatment session and become open to helpful suggestions. Hypnotherapy can have a powerful impact on your life; it is nothing like the theatrics you see on stage.

Have you ever driven yourself to work and then after getting there, realised you don’t recall the actual journey? That's similar to a trance-like state. Your unconscious mind knows how to drive the car and where to go, whilst your conscious mind is preoccupied elsewhere: Analysing the day ahead or ruminating over last night's antics. This is similar to a trance-like state: We work with you at your unconscious level to achieve your treatment goals, faster.

Alcohol, Sugar, Food and other habits

Have the things you are using to cope, become the problem? Have your coping strategies turned against you?

This is an area of excellence at Process Hypnotherapy. Don't let these unhelpful behaviours slide into a daily cycle of self-loathing and remorse.

Let's hit this head-on and break the cycle of addiction and dependency before it breaks you.

Anxiety, Social Anxiety & Performance Anxiety

Is anxiety holding you back?

Do you struggle with overwhelm, have intrusive thoughts, or panic attacks, or have a fear of public speaking, social gatherings or giving presentations?

Process Hypnotherapy is here to help. Left unchecked, these cognitive distortions can morph into clinical depression or manifest into dysfunctional coping strategies like binge drinking, drug taking or comfort eating.

Confidence and SELF-ESTEEM

Struggling with confidence and low self-esteem?

Hypnotherapy is a proven therapeutic technique for people struggling with low self-confidence or poor self-esteem.

If you are grappling with low self-confidence then you are running a pattern that is difficult to change, unless you do something significant to counteract it. Process Hypnotherapy is here to guide you through every step.

Lasting change starts now


Most of our behaviour is driven by our unconscious. This can sometimes cause us to behave in ways that are not helpful or healthy. No matter what you have told yourself, it is possible to change, no matter how long the problem has persisted.

That's why with Strategic Hypnotherapy you’ll develop new ways of dealing with the challenges that life throws your way.

You won't leave just feeling better, you'll leave doing better, in every aspect of your life.

Real success stories

“I had the pleasure of being treated by Sam several times and haven’t looked back. Her direct and client focused manner breaks through the problem areas and her wonderful sense of humour and gentle presence are both welcoming and immediately put you at ease. I am witness to her professionalism and expertise throughout all her hypnosis sessions and would recommend her professionally in a heartbeat. Sam is a ‘salt of the earth’ kind of person and therapist, with great passion for helping people achieve their goals and get out of their problem space to become the very best version of themselves.”

Michelle, NSW, Clinical Hypnotherapy client

"I am thrilled with the outcome from my sessions with Sam. I have tried for years to get rid of my need for chocolate or something sweet throughout the day, particularly at night. I genuinely believed nothing was going to work. I have tried everything - diets, gym, fasting. Although I could stop for a couple of weeks at a time, I would always slip back into my old ways. After 4 sessions with Sam, my whole relationship with sugary treats changed. I just don't want them anymore. I don't look at those cakes on the counter and feel my mouth water anymore. I genuinely don't feel anything. It’s like they're not even there. I have finally lost those irritating kg's - I thought they were a hereditary sign of ageing but instead, I feel GREAT and look better than I have in years. If you're struggling with emotional eating, Sam's the one for you."

Sarah, Gold Coast, Hypnotherapy client